Sunday, April 27, 2008

Sicko: Towards universal health care...

Watched Michael Moore's latest movie Sicko about the US health care system and how its primarily managed by private health care organizations like Kaiser Permanente, Humana and so forth. It was really interesting to see the comparison to countries with national health care systems like France and the UK. Also, it was kind of scary to be reminded that the health care system here is pretty odd - I myself have taken to avoiding regular dental check-ups because its so hard to find an affordable health care plan that covers dental expenses for graduate students - my teeth haven't fallen out yet and this year I caved and shelled out $800+ for a check-up and some fillings. Maybe I should move to Canada...

Anyways, I highly recommend the movie if you like Moore's style :) It's also a timely and interesting documentary to watch given that health care is one of the main issues that comes up in Obama and Clinton debates.

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